How do I know I have been offered a genuine contract for a Parish Council project?
An authentic Parish Council contract is accompanied by a specific contract form.
Government of Jamaica
An authentic Parish Council contract is accompanied by a specific contract form.
The Local Authority requires architectural drawings for all forms of construction.
Any change to the structure of a building whether it be residential, commercial or industrial requires local planning authority.
You need:
a. A fully paid up Property Tax receipt?
b. Proof of ownership of the land.
c. Six copies of your building plan.
No. A person shall not sell, offer, or advertise for sale, or build upon any lot in any subdivision unless it has been previously approved by the Local Planning Authority.
Building fees are calculated based on the square meters/square footage of the structure to be erected plus a site inspection fee.
Yes. Any changes to the structure of a dwelling house requires the approval of the local planning authority.
Development means the carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on, over or under land, or the making of any material change in the use of any buildings or other land. Essentially development occurs when change takes place.
This is the process of municipal laws or regulations regulating the type and size of buildings that can be erected and activities undertaken in specific areas.